
RADICAL engages in computing research to enable advances in cyberinfrastructure design and development. RADICAL contributes to address a diverse set of scientific problems at scale, ranging from biomolecular sciences to earth sciences and high-energy physics.


Project image Big PanDA workflow management on Titan for high energy and nuclear physics and for future extreme scale scientific applications: Enabling the convergence of HPC and HTC paradigms for a range of application types and communities on the leadership-class HPC machine Titan.
Project image Campus Compute Cooperative (CCC): High-risk, novel, distributed computing exemplar project to demonstrate and investigate new ways of federating campus computing capabilities.
Project image Extensible Tools for Advanced Sampling and analYsis (ExTASY): Executing iterative, coupled molecular simulation and analysis kernels on high performance computing systems.
Project image Fast fingerprinting & detection of materials using hand-held devices and high performance computing: Providing an application for cutting-edge material analysis which uses machine learning algorithms and high performance computing to process data gathered from hand-held infrared sensors.
Project image High-Throughput Binding Affinity Calculations (HTBAC): Enabling rapid, accurate, scalable and reliable free energy-based binding affinity calculations.
Project image Imagery Cyberinfrastructure and Extensible Building-Blocks to Enhance Research in the Geosciences (ICEBERG): Coupling open-source image analysis tools with the use of high performance and distributed computing (HPDC) for imagery-enabled geoscience research.
Project image MIddleware for Data-Intensive Analytics and Science (MIDAS): Supporting new programming and execution models for data-intensive analysis in a wide range of science and engineering applications.
Project image Molecular Sciences Sustainable Software Institute (MolSSI): Enabling science, education, and cooperation to serve the worldwide community of computational molecular scientists.
Project image Polar Computing Research Coordination Network: Analyzing opportunities and barriers in the uptake of High-Performance and Distributed Computing methods and cyberinfrastructures for Polar Science.
Project image The Power of Many - Ensemble Toolkit for Earth Sciences: Enabling ensemble programming for simulating and analyzing climatic models and seismic wave data.
Project image RADICAL Cybertools (RCT) - Scalable, Interoperable and Sustainable Tools for Science: Scalable, Interoperable and Sustainable Tools for Science: Supporting scalable, interoperable and sustainable science on a range of high-performance and distributed computing infrastructures.
Project image Scalable Adaptive Large Ensembles of Molecular Simulations (SCALE-MS): Supporting algorithms that use large collections of molecular simulations to simulate the long timescales needed for scientific and industrial discovery.
Project image Sea-Level Rise - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Developing a framework to explore scientific hypotheses pertaining to future sea-level change while reducing the amount of time and effort needed from the scientists and the amount of required computing resources.
Project image Smart Decision Making using Data and Advanced Modeling Approaches: Enabling rapid, accurate, scalable and reliable free energy-based binding affinity calculations.


Project image Abstractions and Integrated Middleware for Extreme-Scale Science (AIMES): Enabling extreme-scale distributed computing via dynamic federation of heterogeneous computing infrastructures.
Project image Cybermanufacturing: Advanced Modeling and Information Management in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Provide an cutting-edge material analysis application which uses machine learning (ML) algorithms leveraging HPC to process data gathered from handheld infrared sensors